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fis.ru → 6th China Cross-Border eCommerce Conference
6th China Cross-Border eCommerce Conference & Exhibition 2016
12月1日-2日, 上海跨国采购会展中心
December 1-2, Shanghai Convention & Exhibition Center of International Sourcing
主办方/Organizer: 领思国际 PTP International
支持机构/Endorsers: 全球跨境电子商务联盟 Cross-Border Ecommerce Community (CBEC); 中国跨境电子商务应用联盟China Cross-Border Ecommerce Application Alliance (CCEAA); 俄罗斯远程贸易协会National Mail Ordering and Distance Selling Association(NAMO), 欧洲电子商务协会(Ecommerce Europe); 乌克兰电子商务专家委员会(Ukrainian E-commerce Expert) ; 巴西电子商务协会Brazilian E-Commerce Association (ABComm) ; 香港跨境电子商务协会(Hong Kong Cross-Border E-commerce Association) ; 广东省跨境电子商务协会(Guandong Cross-Border E-commerce Industry Associate) ; 深圳市跨境电子商务协会(Shenzhen Cross-Border E-Commerce Association) ; 东西方数字媒体East West Digital News (EWDN), 美国互联网零售杂志 (Internet Retailer)
赞助商/Sponsors:Radial, Leqee, RKYLIN, Swiss Mail Solutions, Shopee, Huatian Logistics, Akamai, App Annie, Union Mobile Financial Technology,Home Credit
知名演讲嘉宾  |  Eminent Speakers:
Rolf Vissor, 创始人兼主席,全球跨境电商联盟 | Rolf Vissor, Founder & Chairman, Cross-Border Ecommerce Community
汤兵勇, 主席,中国跨境电子商务应用联盟  |  Bingyong Tang, Chairman, China Cross-Border Ecommerce Application Alliance (CCEAA)
何心怡,政策顾问,欧洲电子商务协会   | Stefanie Ros, Policy Advisor, Ecommerce Europe
Igor Subow,  邮政物流委员会主席,俄罗斯远程贸易协会  |  Igor Subow, Head of Postal Logistics Committe,NAMO  
梁静, 副总经理,麦德龙 | Jing Liang,Deputy General Manager, Metro Jinjiang Cash &Carry China
方岱侖,销售,市场与商务拓展总监,Radial eCommerce Asia-Pacific | Darren Fifield , Head of Sales, Marketing and Business Development, Radial eCommerce Asia-Pacific
党辉,跨境业务总经理,Shopee | Hans Dang, Head of Cross Border, Shopee 
Martin Toft Sørensen, 联合创始人兼总裁, wearyouwant.com |  Martin Toft Sørensen, Co-Founder & Managing Director, wearyouwant.com 
Georg Weidinger,首席执行官, Swiss Mail Solutions   |  Georg Weidinger,CEO, Swiss Mail Solutions
Martin Fiala, 线上业务总监兼首席信息官,捷信消费金融 | Martin Fiala, Head of Online Business & CIO, Home Credit
Michael Gildea,大中华区合伙人及顾问,普华永道 | Michael Gildea, Partner, Advisory, Greater China,PwC
何诺亚,总裁,洋博电商联盟  |  Noah Herschman, CEO, Yangbo Group
钱德君,首席执行官,BitSE  | Dejun Qian,CEO, BitSE
郭文基, 总经理,首信易支付  |  Kino Kwok, GM, PayEase
Christina Wang,电子商务官总经理, 盛世长城   |  Christina Wang,GM eCommerce,Saatchi & Saatchi Shanghai
Luis S. Galan Lozano, 首席执行官,2 Open   |   Luis S. Galan Lozano,CEO,2 Open
于涌源,首席运营官,飞鸟国际 | Yongyua Yu, COO, Birds System
哪思佳,中国区代表,俄罗斯远征贸易协会   | Anastasia Kovaleva,Representative in China, NAMO
周颖,首席执行官,瑞金麟电子商务  |  Ying Zhou, CEO, RKYLIN
戴彬,大中华区负责人,APP Annie  |  Bin Dai, Regional Director of Greater China, APP Annie
肖亮,萌店全球购总经理,微盟  |  Liang Xiao, GM of Mengdian.com, Weimob
祝一格,高级技术经理  | Yige Zhu, Senior Technical Manager, Akamai
高层代表,乐其 |  Seniro Executive, Leqee
高层代表,联动优势 | Senior Executive, Union Mobile Financial Technology
更多来自World First, Yandex, Qiwi, Russian Post, SPSR,DPD, LCM Express等公司的演讲人
More Speaker from World First, Yandex, Qiwi, Russian Post, SPSR, LCM Express.,etc
500+ 高层参会代表
100+ 海外代表
100+ 大卖家
50+ 电商平台
50+ 零售商/品牌商 
50+ 外贸工厂
40+ 国际知名专家和行业领袖演讲
15+ 热点国家覆盖
同期举办 全球电商互联网展览
Event Highlights:
500+  High Level Participants
100+  Foreign Delegate
100+  Big Sellers
50+   Ecommerce Platforms
50+   Retailers/Brand Owners
50+   Foreign Trade Oriented Factory
40+   World-Renowned  Experts & Industry Leader as Speakers
15+   Key Countries Coverage
Award Ceremony and VIP Banquet
In Conjunction With EChina Expo 2016
 1: 掌握全球电商市场脉搏,抓住新兴市场机遇
 2: 聆听中国跨境电商最新政策法规的深度解读
 3: 学习行业领先企业如何在全球市场开展跨境电子商务
 4: 借助跨境电商打造世界商店
 5: 开拓全球货源和优化供应链体系
 6: 当场与国内外知名电商的决策者进行1对1的洽谈
 7: 高效人脉拓展:一次性结识来自20多个国家超过500位电商行业的公司高层
 8: 在您最有价值的目标客户面前展示产品和演示解决方案
 9: 通过本次活动媒体的广泛采访和报道提升在业界的知名度
Why Should Attend
1: Catching up with the current trend of the global ecommerce market and seizing the opportunities in emerging markets
2: Hearing in-depth interpretation of latest cross-border ecommerce policies and regulations in China
3: Learning from the industry leader about how to conduct cross-border ecommerce in global market
4: Taking advantages of cross-border eCommerce to build your global shop
5: Expanding your products line by global sourcing and optimizing your supply chain
6: 1-on-1 meeting with decision makers of eCommerce giants from both local and abroad
7: Networking with 500+ high level executives from leading ecommerce companies from 20+ Countries
8: Showcasing your products and service in front of your most valuable clients
9: Improving your brands awareness by our media partners’ massive reporting of this event
Roman Kitaev
Phone:+7 3832125727